Trial & Error

By: Nicole A. Published on July 17, 2020

I change my mind alot, go through different phases, have a billion ideas running through my head at a time. I learn something and indulge myself. I find a new interest and spend hours, days even just reading about it, watching videos. Being a college student, I changed my major about four times until I finally found something I loved, and trust me, none of those majors were remotely similar.

What I’m getting at is that it takes trying new things and even sometimes “failing” to end up where you need to be. Just because you start something and it doesn’t turn out how you plan or want, doesn’t mean that it was for nothing, that you failed, or that you won’t be successful at anything. You wouldn’t be where you’re at and who you are without going through those experiences and trying new things.

This is applicable in big and small ways. Whether its going through a few jobs to get to a career you love, or starting up a new business but things not working out leading you to a new idea. Writing 80% of a paper and not liking it, or trying out a new recipe for it to turn out overcooked.

No matter what it is, you’re always gaining something from it. It could be knowledge, experience, or just one small thing that you can take away from it. I guess all I have to say is don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s never too late or too early to start a new path.