Quick and Easy (plus Delicious) Breakfast Scramble

By: Nicole A. Published May 24, 2020

This breakfast scramble is healthy, delicious, and keeps you full while not feeling super sluggish in the morning! Perfect meal to start off the day, and if you wanted to get in your fruit fix throw in a nice fresh smoothie on the side. The sautéed mushrooms alone are delicious (which I sometimes make by itself as a snack). The cherry on top is that it only takes about 15 minutes to make! This recipe feeds 1 person but you can always make it for more.


1/2 tablespoon butter

1/2 avocado

5-6 mushrooms (This day I used white mushrooms but my favorite are crostini)

2 eggs

1 handful of spinach

1/3 cup of cheese




1. Wash and cut mushrooms, then throw them on a nonstick pan on medium heat without any oil or butter.

2. While the mushrooms are heating up, crack your eggs and beat them so they’re ready to throw in a greased pan.

3. After about 3 min of the mushrooms heating , add the butter and let those sauté and brown.

4. Throw in your eggs to a separate pan, let them cook until they’re almost done to your liking then add the spinach and cheese.

5. Once your mushrooms are cooked and brown, add salt and pepper, then add them to your egg scramble.

6. Mix everything together in the same pan ensuring that the eggs, spinach, cheese, and mushrooms are cooked. Add salt and pepper as needed.

7. Transfer to a plate, top with sliced avocado, and enjoy!

Let me know how you like it and if you added any other of your favorite toppings!