Harmony Home Interview

By: Nicole A. and Danielle C. Published August 6, 2020

When I first met Danielle, whom I now call Dani, I instantly felt a positive energy that I loved to be around. She was the first person to teach me yoga, which is very special to me because it has become one of my favorite things to do. She has always been a very motivated, inspiring woman, so when she told me she was starting out her own organization business I was so excited and happy for her. I needed a lot of help with my room, being a very busy person, I was stuck with so much clutter that it would stress me out just looking at it. Dani came over, took time to hear what I was struggling with and what was working for me, came up with a plan, and got started. At the end of it all, my room not only looked different but felt so much lighter. From the drawers, to coordinating my closet, to even creating an office space for me (which was my favorite part). She left me with so much advice that I use to this day, and a space that I love and enjoy being in. I wanted to share who she was with you all and her amazing business, but I thought it was only right to hear her own words and message, so below are some questions I had for her!

1. Tell us who you are, and about your business?

I love the complexity of “who you are” so beyond my name Danielle Castro, age 33 years old and nationality Brazilian, I would like to share some other words that resonate with who I am: nature, energy, movement, introspective, evolving, intuition, aware, love, living light. 

Harmony Home Organizer is the way I serve others who seek for a change in their lives. Clutter can really fog up our dreams, it causes stress and consumes our time and our peace of mind. My mission is through organizing we open space for harmony to come in. I like teaching this life time skill that once learnt transform your home and you.  

2. Can you tell us some background about who you are?

I was raised by a very neat parents so I have always been organized. I got a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology, worked as a teacher for couple years and decided to learn English doing some exchange programs abroad. Lived in London in 2011 and in 2013, I came to the US as an Au Pair, I got sponsored (the Green Card) by this wonderful family that I worked and lived with for 5 years. Meanwhile I fell in love with Yoga (got a Yoga Teacher Certificate in 2019) and with the man that is my husband today.

In 2020 I had this call/insight to do something that’s part of my essence: to be organized living in harmony on this planet and share that with others so I dove in a 12 weeks program to become a Professional Organizer. Right now I am studying Feng Shui and so happy and pleased with my past decisions!

3. What kind of services do you provide and in what locations?

I provide Online Organizing Sessions and that means my client can be anywhere in the world that has internet. This format has been more popular through the pandemic.

And also In-home sessions following all the Covid updates for our safety.

Either way we can work at any space (your garage, closet, kitchen, you name it) that needs some attention and love.

4. What gives you the passion to do what you do? 

The fact that I can serve transforming people’s lives with something I love doing. The idea I am working with my gift, my expertise and I can share with others. It’s so rewarding to me.

5. What is special about Harmony Home?

I believe when you bring peace and harmony to someone’s home it’s like a ripple that travels and changes beyond what you see. With Harmony Home you can experience the good energy within yourself as well as the people who live with you. It’s contagious and this will benefit the whole planet because you save time, money and natural resource. 

6. If you could describe you/your brand using three words what would they be?

Self-power,  transformation and detachment.

7. What is the biggest thing you want to help your clients with?

I want to help them to create space for what matters the most to them. It can be more time to spend with their loved ones, it can be creating healthier habits / diet or a space where they can be more productive. Teaching them that organizing and taking care of their space is a way of taking care of themselves. 

8. Can you tell us one of your favorite quotes? (could be related to what you represent but doesn’t have to be)

“What you seek is seeking you.” – Rumi

9. What are some of your biggest inspirations/influences?

I admire Marie Kondo. I like her method and the way she greets the spaces. Also for her elegant way of presenting herself.

I am being inspired by Denise Linn. Also by my teachers Vera Casa who I am learning Feng Shui and Cynthia Murray who helped me turning what I love into my business.

10. How can we contact you or find out more about your business?

Through my website www.harmonyhomeorganizer.com

Follow me @harmonyhomeorganizer on IG or

Harmony Home Organizer on Facebook.

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