Sharing Space with Baby: Items to Organize Your Room

By: Nicole A. Published on January 25, 2022

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After baby showers and shopping for baby, it seems that things start piling up and up. Once nesting mode kicks in, you want to find and create space for all of these things. My fiancé, baby, and I would all be sharing the same room so we had to figure out ways to save space and to fit everything we need in one space. Below are some tips and products we found helped us alot!

Before you begin, it’s best to go through all your things and figure out what you use and need on the daily as opposed to things you use on occasion, or rarely. That way, you can sort out the things you can put away and keep the things you need accessible. It’s also helpful to know what kind of colors or theme you like, so that when you’re looking it is easy to filter out items that won’t fit your preference. Lastly, be open to changing things if they don’t work, and making it more practical for everyday life. Sometimes what works for us may not be what we had in mind in the beginning, but if it makes your life easier, then that is a good thing.

Our goal was to save space, to have everything we need close by, and to keep everything looking simple and organized. Everything below helped us achieve that.

  1. Over-the-door organizer

This was honestly a life saver, we use this for diapers, wipes, skincare products, and washcloths/bibs. Everything fits so perfectly and it’s super sturdy and goes with the colors in our room. It also doesn’t take up much space. It definitely helps us to stay organized because we are able to see when we are running out of things.

2. Underbed storage bags

We use these for clothes and things that we don’t use super often. That way those things are in the room and accessible if we need them, but not taking up space we could be using for something else. These had alot of space to fit things in and I like how they are clear on top so you could see what’s inside.

3. Metal desk organizer

If your partner or yourself have a gaming system, this thing is great. We bought it so that we could put his Ps4 on top and under it put organizers for all the accessories. Before, you could see all the wires and things just lying around and it would be so easy for everything to get messy fast. This saved space and helps us have a place for things that would otherwise just be lying around on our dresser.

4. Small bookshelf

I saw that alot of people were using those rolling storage carts for baby things. I almost bought one but I realized I wanted something that went more with our furniture and that fit against the wall in our room. I love that we made that choice and it works perfect to hold a bunch of essentials, like my pumping accessories, extra clothes and socks, books, and toys.

5. Drawer Organizers

With the amount of baby clothes we got, and how tiny they are, our drawers quickly became a mess. With our dresser, we designated a couple drawers for each of us, and any other clothes were put in storage bins and in another room. For example, to start off, we only kept newborn, 0-3 months, and some 3 month clothes, and the rest are put away for when he gets bigger. Having organizers like these help separate type of clothing, sizes, and see what you have.

6. Baskets

Baskets like these of different sizes help so much to categorize your things and make stuff easy to find. We use baskets like these on the shelves we have so that you can’t really see what’s inside if it’s messy, but you still know what’s in it and where to find things. They also help to add some sense of decor into our room.

7. More baskets

I love the style of these baskets because they go with our colors and you can put so many things in them. We use some for my personal items, for blankets, and basically anything. Our room colors consist of grays, browns, and beiges, and these fit perfectly.

8. File organizer

When you have a baby, you are responsible for all of their important documents and paperwork you might need for doctor’s visits and things like that. It’s good to have all these things in one place so if there’s every an emergency you can grab it, and you also know where to find everything. It is also a good place for mail and any important paperwork you may have.

9. Key and Wallet Holder

Being on the go, it’s nice to have somewhere to put everything you need to grab when you leave. That way you never worry about where something is, and run late because of it.

10. Clear Drawer Organizers

These are great to have on hand. We use some of these in the drawers too, and some on our dresser just to organize small things. It doesn’t hurt to have extra on hand, and are simple and easy to clean.

11. Skinny Hamper

Our hamper is in a skinny area by our dresser, and we didn’t have space to fit a bigger one. Hampers like these are perfect, and also help to kind of force you to do laundry more often because it looks messy when it starts over piling. I love the colors that this one comes in.

Hopefully you find that some of these products help you too. It makes a big difference when your environment is clean and organized because at the end of the day you will feel less stressed, and have more time to focus on important things like spending time with your baby and getting other things done!