What’s your purpose?

By: Nicole A. Published on June 30, 2020

I think there has been a point in our lives that we have been asked or asked ourselves what our purpose in life was. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, so that question has different meanings for different people. For me, I’ve thought about this question a lot. I’ve stressed over this question a lot. I’ve wanted to rip this question apart and have someone just hand me answer.

I have my answer. My answer to a lot of things: I don’t know. And I don’t want someone else to tell me the answer.

I don’t know my purpose because it is constantly changing. I used to think that I needed to have a sole purpose in life, that I needed to have it figured out when I became an adult or have one single answer when someone asks. But the thing is, there’s so many things we were put on this earth for, we were put in so many peoples lives for different reasons, in certain things we do, in our many phases of life. I think that we have to appreciate ourselves more, realize how important we are, and remind ourselves that no one else could be you. We are all here for many reasons.

I’m not sure if it’s me getting lost in my thoughts being up at such a late hour, but I wanted to share what I was thinking about. What do you think your purpose is?

1 thought on “What’s your purpose?”

  1. Another great one Nicole♥️👏🏼 I agree with you that we have many purposes to be here like you said… the primary or first one is to be and love ourselves and all the other beings. A secondary one could be our service. What we came here to do. And I also believe that changes as we grow and if we are open enough to listen to our heart. Answering your questions I think one of my purpose is to be a professional home organizer. And I know that because I am myself when I am doing it ❤️
    Allow me to say that one of yours is to write beautiful messages/insights/posts ✨🙏🏽

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